Whether you bought our control box ( software is FREE if you did ) or created your own control box at home. Our software gives you access to a vast amount of golf software presets but also allows you to easily create your own! No more JOYTOKEY issues!
These are pre-created actions that you can map to selected buttons. You'lll fine various options from a variety of the most popular golf sim softwares. Including: TGC 2019, GSPRO, E6 Connect, FSX and Optishot.
This type of action is available for when there is no preset available for the desired action inside your golf sim software. This generally occurs when there is no keyboard hotkey for the wanted action and an input is needed to click a specific location on the screen in order to select or navigate a menu. Our software allows you to create both sequences and toggle options that require multiple steps or actions to a single button.
Birdie Blades Golf Software
- Once you've purchased - you'll receive the download link to the software along with a password required to launch the application.
- Software automatically searches for updates when launched. Your purchase entitles you to ALL future updates.
- No Refunds On Digital Products.
- ONLY works on Windows Platforms (XP, 8, 10, 11 )